Are you a business in Vermilion River County? Lloydminster Alberta/Saskatchewan?
Are you a business who sells to residents and businesses in our neck of the woods?
Then all we can say to you is check out our video below and GET LISTED!
Unsure if you want to take the plunge? Perhaps a business listing is not exactly what you are looking for. We do offer banner advertising also and more information can be found about those services by CLICKING HERE.
A business listing is so beneficial to any business in so many ways. For starters, it increases your online business exposure instantly creating more familiarity for your brand. Secondly, if you have a website (if you don’t, learn more here), the SEO ranking for your website will improve by having a listing on an active business directory website. Especially one that is local to you!
Search Engines are all about local and it happened really out of necessity. With more people on the internet everyday and more businesses adding to the mix of information available on the web, making search results local was really the only solution for search engine companies.
Give your business an affordable and positive push by listing it on!